Thursday, December 6, 2018

SINKPULP | When The Imagination Is Shoved Into Hyperdrive

The Paladin Cycle series has gotten flak in the past from critics citing "kitchen sink" in reference to all the things happening within the series. Some going as far as to say that it needs to be tamed and that the authors couldn't choose an idea so they went with everything. 

But not only is that far from the truth but the concept of having mixed genres and multiple opposed mythos within a story is not an alien concept. The Paladin Cycle is well outlined and it does feature everything from a modern day group of holy warriors living in secret but always defending the world from supernatural evils, to cosmic eldritch creatures from immeasurable deep time, to space-faring military forces, Satan, God, ghost, space-time travel and blending fantasy, horror, mystery, action/adventure, weird fiction and even erotica into one story.  Phew! Yeah, that's a kitchen sink for sure! 

But where's the downside to this? Of course, like any genre or any individual work of entertainment there will never be a 100% satisfaction rate. That's Rule 101 for being in any creative field: you cannot please everyone. 

And I don't try either. What I have done is taken those criticisms, mulled them over and re-channeled them into positive energy.

The Paladin Cycle is such an intricate and complex story that I can honestly admit it has taken on a whole new life of its own that was never foreseeable when the initial concept was developed nor even after the first book was complete.

Now, with the third book ASYLUM just over the horizon and the introduction of the Aconites and the ultra-advanced Taurians, the story has added 'superhero team' and "cyberpunk space opera" to it's ever growing spectrum.  What do you expect from a series that has alterations to the space-time continuum and infinite alternate dimensions as part of its central plot device?

Jokingly, I've begun to coin terms that might better suit the series: 
Slipsink -- a nod toward slipstream fiction. 
Weirdsink -- Kitchen sink meets weird fiction.
Sinkpunk - is there really such thing as too many -punk subgenres? 
Sinkpulp - Maybe -pulp could become the new -punk? 

For free copies of The Paladin Cycle novels please contact 

You can listen to the Paladin Cycle - A Cosmic Audio Drama with 70+ episodes for free  

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SINKPULP | When The Imagination Is Shoved Into Hyperdrive

The Paladin Cycle series has gotten flak in the past from critics citing "kitchen sink" in reference to all the things happen...