Thursday, December 6, 2018

SINKPULP | When The Imagination Is Shoved Into Hyperdrive

The Paladin Cycle series has gotten flak in the past from critics citing "kitchen sink" in reference to all the things happening within the series. Some going as far as to say that it needs to be tamed and that the authors couldn't choose an idea so they went with everything. 

But not only is that far from the truth but the concept of having mixed genres and multiple opposed mythos within a story is not an alien concept. The Paladin Cycle is well outlined and it does feature everything from a modern day group of holy warriors living in secret but always defending the world from supernatural evils, to cosmic eldritch creatures from immeasurable deep time, to space-faring military forces, Satan, God, ghost, space-time travel and blending fantasy, horror, mystery, action/adventure, weird fiction and even erotica into one story.  Phew! Yeah, that's a kitchen sink for sure! 

But where's the downside to this? Of course, like any genre or any individual work of entertainment there will never be a 100% satisfaction rate. That's Rule 101 for being in any creative field: you cannot please everyone. 

And I don't try either. What I have done is taken those criticisms, mulled them over and re-channeled them into positive energy.

The Paladin Cycle is such an intricate and complex story that I can honestly admit it has taken on a whole new life of its own that was never foreseeable when the initial concept was developed nor even after the first book was complete.

Now, with the third book ASYLUM just over the horizon and the introduction of the Aconites and the ultra-advanced Taurians, the story has added 'superhero team' and "cyberpunk space opera" to it's ever growing spectrum.  What do you expect from a series that has alterations to the space-time continuum and infinite alternate dimensions as part of its central plot device?

Jokingly, I've begun to coin terms that might better suit the series: 
Slipsink -- a nod toward slipstream fiction. 
Weirdsink -- Kitchen sink meets weird fiction.
Sinkpunk - is there really such thing as too many -punk subgenres? 
Sinkpulp - Maybe -pulp could become the new -punk? 

For free copies of The Paladin Cycle novels please contact 

You can listen to the Paladin Cycle - A Cosmic Audio Drama with 70+ episodes for free  

Image result for paladin cycle
Also on Image result for wattpad logo


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Scary Halloween Ear Candy

For some of you this image alone may induce memories of absolute horror.  Ahh, sorry 'bout that guys ;)  
But let's move pass those frightful memories . . . 


This game and this music inspired me to write a serial called The Adventures Of Milo & Davey about two pre-teens in the early '90s who are playing this game while watching a Friday The 13th marathon on the USA Network on Halloween night. But the game is so lame and they're bored of the movies so they strike out on their own Halloween adventure -- a late night trip to the local cemetery!  And from there things get more ghoulish and outlandish in a fun by R-rated kinda way.   The whole thing is a throwback to being a kid who loves horror movies because let's face it guys -- horror movies just don't pack the same stab when you get older.
    And so, as much as you hated this game you probably have some fun memories of playing it.  I encourage you to share any of those memories in the comments!

Moving right along . . .  

For as long as I can remember, everytime Halloween comes around I would go to Casey's Cavern -- not sure how long that site has been up but I been going there since at at least the late '90s. It's become a Halloween ritual for me. And yeah, I already have every single one of those MIDIs and WAVs --many of them I use for the Halloween party I throw each year. But it's a ritual. Or an OCD.
Either way, you guys really gotta go wander around in Casey's Cavern this October!

And just gotta love that old-school webpage look!

Hello Boils and ghouls! 

The Crypt Keeper deserves his own blog entry. How many memories do you have of watching Tales From The Crypt?  I had nightmares about him! I was only six years old when the show first aired and my dad use to watch it. I can remember one episode that aired on a Halloween night right before we'd all gone out to one of those freaky Halloween haunted house things -- ours was called "The Haunted Trail".  
Turn off the lights for the full experience.  

Oh boy! Oh boy!  This one truly rivals Tales From The Crypt! 

For anyone who grew up watching this show I betcha can't think of it without this image popping into your head:

And one of my all-time favorite horror movies . . . ever!

  1. If you haven't seen this movie then we cannot be friends. Go away!  Seriously!  

OR go watch this movie.

If you had watched this movie when you were younger please tell me about your experience in the comments.

If you ever needed a safety message warning you not to climb down a chimney . . .

All I got to say about Gremlins is:  Pure-fucking genius.  How many times did you rent this on VHS from your local movie place?

And sure there's always your main go-tos  like Halloween, Nightmare On Elm Street, The Exorcist.

For more fun:

And if you're a real true audiophiliac and you're looking for something a fresh treat to insert into your ear holes this Halloween then please, by all means check out my incrdibly awesome cosmic horror audio drama! ;)

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Come Join The Kult -- It's The Answer To The Age Old Question . . .

Where did all the cool kids go?  

You're only cool if you're in a kult. My kult. My very own kult.  It's been a life long dream of mine to have a loyal faithful following, at least pertaining to my writing, and so I've decided to take further action and go ahead and for my own kult wherein I am the kult leader and my loyal followers are the Kosmic Kultist. It's a win-win situation, ya see, because I get what I want and they get a super-rad name like Kosmic Kultist! Ya gotta say it like you're announcing a cool superhero, KOSSMIIIC KULTIST.  Trust me, it'll grown on you in time.

Really.  I'm only half-joking. The other half of me is off plotting diabolical schemes involving chickens, ducks and a possible cat. Don't worry, none will be hurt. I'm an animal lover. But you know what every kult needs right? No. Of course you don't because you're not the kult leader!

Allow me to explain to you, gather around, clothes are optional just keep private things to yourselves (for now.)

Ya see, what every good kult needs is a mascot! An animal mascot!  That's why all those other cults failed (well, that and they spelled it with a 'C' which I'm declaring is not cool and won't win you any brownie points here!) Yes, that's right, the dear ol' Reverend Jones was too damn busy mixin his Kool-Aid (hey, see there's the 'K', he was halfway there!) when he should've been out making animal friends and or the very least dressing up one of his kooky followers in a bird suit or puppy dog with big floppy paws and called him The Jonestown Happy Bird or Jonestown Joy-Joy Puppy. Heck, I don't know what he would've called it--the man was fuckin'  nutjob.

Image result for marshall applewhite

Of course there was Marshall Applewhite. This guy actually didn't need an animal mascot 'cause he
was the mascot for his own cult. If he did have an animal mascot--let's say Heavenly Hare--even the mascot would be sayin, "Dude! You're eyes are creepy as fuck!"

Aight, so here's what I'm thinkin: 

Clyde The Cock
Image result for rooster concept art
Yes. Clyde the Cock, mascot of the Kosmic Kult. The first ever rooster kultist. 
And he's got kickass superpowers, too. I don't know what they are yet but he's badass. In fact, he's already demanding to be called The High Cock of Kòk. --I even asked him what the hell is  Kòk cause it sounds like a made-up word that would pronounced like 'cock' with a Jamaican accent and he explains to me telepathically (that's one of his powers) that it's his homeworld and it's not really called  Kòk, but that's as close as our non-gallinaceous tongues can get to even remotely comprehending the intricate linguistics of the trans-galactic poultry. And me, well, I was like, "Man, that's cool" cause he's a telepathic rooster and I ain't go reason to think he'd make shit like that up. Plus, he's graciously accepted the position of The Head Cock in the Kosmic Kult so I don't want to piss him off.  

And Phase One Is Complete . . . 
Phase One of establishing this homebase for the Kosmic Kult has been completed. Soon more cool stuff will be added, even official Kosmic Kult Bibles. Until next time, kneel to the cock! 

If you have any suggestions for supernatural cosmic powers that you think would fit Clyde The Cock please mention them below! 

SINKPULP | When The Imagination Is Shoved Into Hyperdrive

The Paladin Cycle series has gotten flak in the past from critics citing "kitchen sink" in reference to all the things happen...